We have resumed our monthly meetings and pancake breakfasts with Young Eagle flights..
Chapter Upcoming Event Details
Chapter Pancake Breakfasts
EAA Chapter 1073 conducts a pancake breakfast on the second Saturday of every quarter, check the calendar above.. The breakfast runs from 8 am until 10 am and is open to the public. We also fly Young Eagles in conjunction with the breakfast. Registration starts at 8 and flying starts as soon thereafter as possible. Come on out and have a great breakfast and treat your youngsters to a free airplane ride!
You can’t beat the prices
$5 per person for pancakes, hot coffee and juice, or
$7 to get all that plus eggs and breakfast meat, and
On good weather days there are usually several amateur-built, classic or antique aircraft on the ramp in front of the clubhouse – owned by pilots who have flown in for the breakfast.
Chapter Meetings
EAA Chapter 1073 meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month in the Chapter Clubhouse on the Truckee Airport. The evening starts at 6 pm with a pot-luck dinner with the chapter general meeting starting at 7 pm. Just bring something that we can all share and place it on the table as you arrive.. The meeting usually has a guest speaker or some other form of aviation-oriented program and is always interesting and informative.
Directions to the EAA Chapter 1073 Clubhouse (click for larger maps) :