Young Eagles who continued on
Posted on 27th Feb 2018
We are always happy to see Young Eagles who move on into aviation and other services. Here are some recent examples.
EAA1073 Fly our Young Eagles (ages 8 and up to 18) from April 1st trough October on the 2nd Saturday of the month along with a Pancake Breakfast ($7 includes pancakes, eggs, sausage, OJ, tea, coffee, etc.). This is all weather permitting. In short, if it's raining, low ceilings, windy...most likely we will not fly. The time is from 0730 to 1000 AM.
We offer our Young Eagles FREE flights (donations happily accepted) on a first come first served basis. So come early to be sure your kid gets a ride. First time kids have priority for the flights but we rarely turn anyone away. Make sure you kid/s is dressed appropriately for current weather conditions.
Posted on 27th Feb 2018
We are always happy to see Young Eagles who move on into aviation and other services. Here are some recent examples.
Posted on 4th Feb 2015
[] Tim LoDolce, president of the Truckee chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association presents Tom Meadows with an award for giving more than 1,000 youngsters airplane rides as part