Last evening we were treated to a very good time. It had started two days prior when a large group of dedicated members spent the afternoon decorating the EAA hangar with Christmas trimmings and lights. The tables were covered with clean white cloths with each one having it's own basket filled with pinecones and Christmas tree bulbs. The place was just so pretty with such a warm and happy feeling.
We weren't sure just how many would make it last evening, mainly due to the iffy weather. The prediction of snow with 3 inches or more never came to fruition. Around 5 PM it was just misting rain and the temps were still well into the 40's.
When 5:30 rolled around people were showing up in large numbers and tables were quickly filling up. Normally we spend the first hour or so catching up around the bar area but this time it was different. It was then that several of our members said "why don't we get the annual meeting underway now?" So off we went!
Over the next 30 minutes or so we thanked the kitchen crew consisting of our new VP Russ Tatro, Maggie Shumacher and Veronica Noble. Both Maggie and Veronica are fairly new to the chapter members and actually it was Veronica's first time visiting the hangar. A warm thank you went out to them from all.
Then we thanked the decorating committee and began the proceedings by calling for a couple members to fill the board seats of "At Large". These are voting member positions and offers a different perspective or views on matters we need to attend to. With that, long time member Curtis Crooks (retired head of the Squaw Ski Patrol) offered his services to the board and we gladly accepted. A little later Ginger Mansel volunteered for the other seat which we also happily accepted. So now we have a full board which will help keep our chapter going well into the coming years. By the way...we are now entering our 28th year and still going strong!
Shortly after that our Young Eagle Co-Ordinator Ken Aronsen handed out some quick awards to those who truly helped to keep our YE program strong over the past year. BTW...we recently received a poster from EAA National which stated (In 2022 Truckee/Tahoe EAA1073 had flow over 2000 Young Eagles). I hung that up in the front window next to the main entry a few weeks ago. Speaking of Young Eagles, Tom Meadows chose two people to put on our hall of honor plaque who were Russ Tatro and Ginger Mansel...thank you both for your dedicated service with our YE program.
That was quickly followed by CAP Cadet Leader Sierra gave her slideshow presentation of her stay at the EAA Air Academy this past summer. I have always said that any kid that attends the Academy will forever have their lives changed for the good and she confirmed those very words throughout her presentation.
With the meeting completed we set about taking in the feast of Ham, Chicken, Green bean Casserole and Potatoes followed by Pumpkin Pie and Pecan Pie with whipped cream...yum!
Around 8 PM everyone bussed the tables and cleaned up the main hall while the kitchen crew went about putting the place back to order. Needless to say everyone had a very good time.
It is here that I want to thank each and every one of you whether you made it to the party or not, for sticking with us over these many years and when the airshow rolls around next June 22nd I know I can count on you to pitch in once again to bring this wonderful beloved community event back to the Truckee Tahoe area.
Thank you all so much and stay safe during the upcoming holiday season!