As of January 1, 2019, the chapter had flown 4,518 YEs
So far this year the chapter has flown 342 YEs at the post-airshow rally; two rallies at other airports - Nervino and Elko; six targeted mini-rallies for summer camps; and our monthly pancake breakfasts. That brings our total for the past 26 years of the program to 4,859 Young Eagles flown by our chapter.
Total of 13 chapter pilots 4 new YE pilots:
Jess Baker
Mark Covey
John Martin
Jim Richardson
We have two more pilots waiting to fly kids – one is waiting for an engine, and the other is waiting for non-conflicting schedules.
2019 Milestones:
Ken Aronson has flown over 100 YEs
Vince Bruno has flown over 200 YEs
Michael Golden has flown over 200 YEs
Tony Lizarraga has flown over 100 YEs
The chapter sponsored five tuition and airfare scholarships for our area Young Eagles to attend EAA’s Air Academy at Oshkosh. These scholarships totaled over $10K. If you haven’t had the opportunity to read the thank you letters in the corner by the door, please take some time to do so.
Flying kids is the easy part. There’s a lot of back room hustle & bustle to keep the show running smoothly. Jobs like registering YEs, printing certificates, filling out logbooks, assigning pilots & YEs, ramp safety, shooting photos, etc., keep the ball rolling, and we all appreciate volunteers’ assistance.
Speaking of volunteers we have certificates of appreciation and volunteer pins to pass out to the following folks who have given their time to help with the program:
Jack Armstrong
Summer Benjamin
Susan Bruno
Vince Bruno
Scott Burgess
Bruce Eisenhard
Susie Englesby
Lori Fleming
Peg Friesen
Maile Giansiracusa
Leslie Greenwood
Ruth Greenwood
Ed Hanley
Daniel Holbrook
Mark Ledwith
Marisa Lopez
Lenny Lutz
Ginger Mansel
Mike Mansel
Kathy Martin
Jim Marymee
Lynn Meadows
Niko Milner
Devon Schnoor
Kyle Sonne
Spencer Sonne
Nate Tetzlaff
Sunny Todd
JoAnn Turner
Charlie White
Mary Zaponni
Before I close, I thank Lynn Meadows for never having wavered in her enthusiastic support of the chapter’s Young Eagles program.
In closing, I’m announcing that I’m turning over the post of Young Eagles Coordinator to the very capable hands of Vince Bruno. It’s been a good five-year run and overall I’ve enjoyed doing it. It’s time for new faces, new eyes and new ideas.
Many thanks to all of the ground volunteers and pilots who contributed to making 2019 a great Young Eagles year.
Happy New Year